is a literature media outlet launched by Kulturtreger, an association founded in 2003 to promote and popularise literature and other forms of contemporary culture.
The association launched in 2004 to serve as an information center for the programme of the Booksa Literary Club, which was opened that same year. Since there was so little content about literature in the mainstream Croatian media, Booksa was turned into a literary website in 2007, publishing news about contemporary literature at a national and international level, as well as book reviews, editorials and daily literary texts.
Additionally, important topics such as human rights, social injustice and women's rights are covered through the lens of literary works, book reviews, or different literary manifestations. has become a website of reference for literature in the Balkans, with more than 30,000 visits per month. It is also a member of the Eurozine network.
The website is linked to the Club Booksa, a café in the city centre of Zagreb. Since its opening, Club Booksa has hosted more than 500 national and international writers for book promotions, readings, public discussions, and literature festivals. These include the Festival of European Short Story, the Festival of Latin American Literature, the International Festival of Contemporary Poetry Brutal, and the International Poetry Festival Goran's Spring. The Club also organises the Review of Small Literatures every year, introducing more than 150 writers from various "small" countries and languages.
Along with the Multimedia Institute - Zagreb, Kulturtreger co-curates the edition Friends, focused on theory and belles-lettres.
Since 2011, Kulturtreger has been running a community archive documenting independent culture in Croatia, in collaboration with the Zagreb-based organisation Kurziv. The organisation aims to be an active actor in developing civil society in Croatia. It is a member of several national and local networks of civil society organisations involved in culture, media, and youth policies.
Kulturtreger receives funding from governmental organisations and foundations, including the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, the National Foundation for Civil Society Development, the Foundation Kultura nova, the European Cultural Foundation, and the European Commission.
Last updated: March 2024
Source: Oasis Europe