ElDiario.es is a digital native media outlet of news and analysis, founded in 2012, with a focus on politics and the economy in its broadest sense: the one that affects people more than parties or markets. In less than 12 years, and with a unique business model, ElDiario.es has positioned itself among the 10 most relevant national newspapers in the Spanish context. Its motto is 'journalism in spite of everything.'
It's an independent digital newspaper that has become a great reference of current information for a new generation of Spanish readers, with an innovative business model and public service mission.
Launched in the middle of the financial crisis, in September 2012, without large investors or corporations to support it, ElDiario.es has developed a community journalism model that reaches the general public. More than 70% of the company belongs to people who work at the publications. Behind ElDiario.es there is no millionaire or business group. It is only financed with advertising and voluntary contributions of its community of more than 75,000 members and partners. This innovative model guarantees the editorial and economic independence of the publication.
Throughout these years, with about 1.5 million readers a day, ElDiario.es has positioned itself among the 10 most read digital media in Spain (Source: GFK 2023). It ranks fourth in credibility among Spanish media, according to the Reuters Report, demonstrating its ability to compete with the large and consolidated national dailies even with much lower budgets.
Source: Oasis Europe