IDL-Reporteros is the digital investigative journalism outlet founded by the renowned reporter Gustavo Gorriti in 2010. The site focuses on investigating corruption, drug trafficking, internal security, and abuses of corporate power in Peru. Its mission is “to report, investigate, discover and publish cases and issues that affect the rights, property or destiny of people,” says Gorriti in the introduction of the platform.
The digital media organization has total editorial autonomy, but organizationally belongs to the Legal Defense Institute (IDL), a non-governmental organization that defends human rights. The first IDL-Reporteros project was carried out in 2002-2003. According to Gorriti, it was presented to the World Bank and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), but without success.
He was unable to raise the necessary funds to start. Finally, in October 2009, the Open Society Media Program (OSMP) contributed $160,000 to start the project.
Source: SembraMedia